Mister Boner is a vacuum penis pump for penis enlargement before intercourse.
It has a transparent cylinder with a measurement scale with which you will accurately measure your progress.
At its base, the pump has a comfortable, stretchy ring that will tightly wrap around your penis and prevent air from escaping.
Pressurise the cylinder using the hand pump and enjoy the size you've always dreamed of !
The Mister Boner hand pump has a quick-release valve.
Do not over-pressurise!
For easier insertion, we advise you to use very little lubricant.
Cylinder length: 25.4 cm / 10 inches.
Internal diameter of the pump: from 6.6 cm to 7.3 cm ( 2.6 - 2.9 inches )

You2Toys Male Sex Toys Mister Boner Professionals Large Penis Pump