Name The Emoticon Pop Culture Bubblegum Stuff Female Sex Toys

Name The Emoticon Pop Culture Bubblegum Stuff Female Sex Toys


Name the Emoticon - Pop Culture Edition is an emoji-themed mashup between a pop culture quiz and Pictionary. You’ll be tested on your ability to turn pictures into words. It’s as simple as describing what you see…Common names and phrases relating to pop culture like Beyoncé and Beauty and the Beast are turned into emoticon combinations. And the aim of the game for the players is to work out the meaning behind them in order to score points.If you know your emojis and you’re pretty confident with your pop culture trivia you’ll be just fine. But if not this game can be harder than catching smoke.An unforeseen curveball is we all interpret emoticons differently. So get ready to laugh at your friend sister brother grandma or even yourself when the ridiculous guesses ensue.Name the Emoticon - Pop Culture Edition is a hilarious clash of pop culture quiz and emoji game that’s bound to liven up any dinner party.